Become a member of the Stepping Bricks Academy with our award winning 12-month mentorship


Stepping Bricks Academy is the first and only mentorship programme that combines property training, knowledge and mindset. Dr Giuseppe Paladini is a certified mindset coach, former University lecturer and property investor with the passion to train and educate people to become a better version of themselves, both professionally, personally and financially. 

Join The Academy

Your Mentorship. Tailored For You

Our mentorship programme is for students looking to work directly with Dr Giuseppe Paladini and our mentors in order to build their property business. Whether you are starting from the ground up and want to start your portfolio from scratch, or are looking to accelerate your business and grow your portfolio to new heights, the Academy offers you the training and support you need. 

 Stepping Bricks Academy gives you access to all of our property training, as well as support, accountability and coaching.

In the Academy, our experienced property mentors work directly with you to help you write, develop and execute your business plan. Our weekly calls and accountability sessions mean we keep you on track and make sure you are meeting your goals, as well as making sure you have on-hand support whenever you need it. Learn the key skills needed to find deals that are profitable and fit your portfolio. 


We teach you what you need to implement today so you can start moving forward and seeing results immediately.


We keep you accountable so you stay on track to reach and achieve your goals.



We connect you with like-minded investors, give you access to exclusive deals and help you build your network


We focus on the strategies that work for you, building multiple secure streams of revenue for your business

Become Part Of The Family

As well as the advice from our mentors, you also reap all the benefits of our partners and network. Whether you need financial advice, furniture leases or insurance we can guide you. You will also work closely with other Academy members to support and learn from each other and become a valued member of the Stepping Bricks Community. It is often the case that our Academy members Joint Venture with each other. It really is like being part of a family!

Included in our property training courses are any future updates and new content. This allows you to learn at your own pace and gives you all the reference materials you need, forever. You will have access to all of our deal calculators, contracts and legal packs. 

Join The Academy

Academy Mentorship 

What's Included:


52x Weekly accountability sessions 

52x Weekly Q&A sessions (in addition to the above) 

12x Monthly full day property mentoring sessions (in person or online)

Lifetime membership to the Stepping Bricks community

Comprehensive business plan and one-to-one review

Access to all the deal analysers

Yearly Stepping Bricks Academy event invitation 

Access to our business partners and power team

Access to Giuseppe's private WhatsApp group

Life access to all of our future training courses and learning material


£2,000 deposit and £2000/month for 5 months (Payment plan option)


£9,995 for 12 month in one single payment (over £2,000 saving!)
£12,000 on Payment Plan (Join Now)
£9,995 Single Payment (Join Now)