"It's not where you come from that matters, but where you are heading to..."


Dr Giuseppe Paladini


Dr Giuseppe Paladini's Story


Dr Giuseppe Paladini is one of the UK's leading property trainers and mindset coaches having previously worked as a Mentor and Head of Business Development and Education at other training providers in the industry. He also holds a number of awards for public speaking. 

Giuseppe started his own property journey with just £37 in the bank, and quickly developed his own portfolio worth over £2 million. Giuseppe covers all property strategies, including in Rent to Buy, Serviced Accommodation, Buy to Let, Buy-Refurbish-Rent-Refinance, Rent to Rent, and Commercial. 

Having previously worked as a Lecturer at the University of Stirling, Giuseppe is a passionate teacher and wants to make property accessible to everybody, no matter what their circumstances.

Click here to view Giuseppe's current projects.



“Bill helped me create an attainable financial plan that is already changing my life.” 



“After listening to just one episode of Bill’s podcast, everything started falling into place.”



“Bill is the secret sauce to my recent financial gains. I can’t thank him enough.” 

Some Of Our Amazing Students...

Declan and Molly

First buy to let investment property!
After months of ups and downs trying to get this deal over the line it did not look likely, issues stretching from not being 21 yet to originally buying in our property company then having to change onto our personal names.
Me & Molly first went and viewed this flat back in mid June, we couldn’t pass up on the opportunity that was there for our first project to pick something up with as little work needing done as possible and get it under our belt is a massive bonus.
I think for both of us we thought buying a property was as easy as having the deposit, finding one you want, get your offer accepted then get a mortgage. Simple! We couldn’t be any more wrong, there are so many hurdles that seem to never end but by taking one at a time we seem to have got there.
Even after all the headache and delays this will definitely be the first of many to come! 
A big thank you aswell to our friend Giuseppe who has helped us through the process and pointed us in the right direction! He knows his stuff when it comes time I the property world and I’ve enjoyed being able to tap into that aswell.
ROI after costs: 25.5% per year.


I had fantastic mentors in my life even today I still have good connections with them. Now I have had a wonderful session with GP who has helped focused my mind and channel energy to achieve the goal I have set. The wisdom and guidance given is second to none. I am so grateful of having good role models to help shape my Property Investments and taking me one step closer to financial freedom.
Thank you for your precious time and friendship Giuseppe Paladini


One thing I love about property is speaking to like minded individuals whether that's helping clients get into property through Rent to Rent Service Accommodation or R2R HMO's.
However I had the pleasure today of speaking to the wonderful Giuseppe Paladini about mindset and business. 
Great chat and helped get clarity on moving the business forward and putting structure into the operations 


Had my 1to1 consultation with Giuseppe Paladini on Thursday. Lots of nuggets and learnings.
Dr G is a very kind and helpful person and provided his wisdom. One of the best 30 minutes full of knowledge. Very grateful and highly appreciated...
Great chat and helped get clarity on moving the business forward and putting structure into the operations.


That moment of realization of what you were doing wrong up to that point...
Now let's finger point what can be done and how to do it.
Your mind can be your ally or your adversary. Depends on what you are feeding it with.
Thank you for this very insightful mastermind session Giuseppe Paladini .
It is incredible what less than an hour conversation with a better man that I am, can lead to!