£2,000.00 GBP

Every month

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Mentorship 12 Month (Payment Plan)

Deposit of £2,000 and 5 monthly payments of £2,000 each.


Take your property business to the next level with Giuseppe as your personal mentor. 

What you'll get:

  • 52 Weekly accountability sessions
  • Access to an extra 52 Weekly Q&A sessions within the Club (for a total of 104 sessions!) 
  • 12 x Monthly full day property training sessions 
  • Full "Marketing in Property" training
  • Lifetime membership to the Stepping Bricks community
  • Lifetime access to all future courses
  • Comprehensive business plan and one-to-one review
  • Access to all the deal analysers
  • Exclusive Access to Giuseppe's private WhatsApp group
  • Yearly Stepping Bricks Academy event invitation 
  • Access to our business partners and power team

Working with just a small number of students the Stepping Bricks Academy prides itself on ongoing support and the results of its students.

We have seen students secure their first deal and cover the costs of the mentorship within their first two sessions!

Complete your details and join the Academy today.